It’s been a while…

I think i mentioned hiatus but I feel like no one reads this…

but one day, these posts will be read, please comment…i have reams to become sucessful? I dont know

Do you think I should have a Pen Name?

I mean I could use my real name, but I’m not sure about it, Internet safety, but most of you know by my pen name here, Serin Chan. It is the most relevant name to my real name. Plus if you know me in real life, you can see the resemblance. Well, it’s closer to my sister’s name, but that doesn’t matter. Oh and I have no school today. I’m going to NAC! Newport Aquatic Center! FOr community service and Team building activities.



It seemed like I was on hiatus? Nah, semi. (Hiatus- like a break or rest from something) But I have a one shot collection if you like fan fiction and kpop. You can see the rules in ThePandaaCreations. If you’re bored. But algebra is killing me. Sorry. Hope to see y’all again soon. The blue, HIYA, is the link to it!


MAINLY ALGEBRA. quadratic expressions. generic rectangles. slope. all this junk up and down running through my head. please me guys.