Today was…..ok?

Today at school durin’ PE my legs hurted!!!!! Because mah PE teach was like, “SIT DOWN KIDS!” And it was wet dirt, not mud, a bit dryer than that. It felt weird, these weird 7th graders were around me. I soon was just talking to one of mah good friends. I had to write this sentence for 100x I will be prepared and get my test signed. It hurt, but im fine 🙂 but swimming was ok too. 2day is average! 🙂 

New desktop for me on laptop:)

it’s not here is it 😦


oh well.

It was some girl’s pic but I erased her credits dats all.


but yay for me. hope you all have a good day!

Be Full :), food wise and lifewise

Homework is a pain my butt!

I have freaking Algebra 1 to study for this school year! It’s okay so far….life had to be so mandatory. UGH! MY FREAKING GOD! I am doing okay in school. One thing I’ve always wondered what does it feel like to have a guy as your bff when your a girl? is it strange, cool? i dunno. i’v wanted to experience that, but i ain’t have those guts. it’s better off knowin them from others -sighs- well algebra im comin for you. Â